Robots designed to look like humans. Cybrex is one of the companies developing new Androids indistinguishable from humans.
Ares is the international program of crewed Mars mission involving NASA, ESA, JAXA and ISRO. The first mission of six astronauts is currently en route to Mars.
Bioimplants are one of the most common types of cyberware. Kate has one. Their main functions are
Regenerative therapy allowing speeding up healing of injuries.
The Internet accessible via virtual reality. The concept is based on Neal Stephenson's novel Snow Crash. (You should read it. And Diamond Age too.)
Artificial Intelligence indistinguishable from the human one, sentient and able to cretively solve complex problems. There are five ongoing research claiming they created a true AI, three in the USA, one in China and one in Russia. There are two other projects allegedly close to achive the creation of true AI in Japan and on Iceland.